12 Habits of Highly Successful Content Marketers

Are you looking to up your content marketing game? Do you want to know the habits of highly successful content marketers that have taken their businesses to unimaginable levels? Content is king, so understanding what goes into a good and successful strategy will help skyrocket your success in no time. Here are 12 proven tactics from the best of the best in the industry to help set you on track for digital marketing domination!

What do content marketers do?

Digital marketing has become an essential part of marketing strategies, and content marketing is an indispensable part of this. A content marketer is a specialised type of digital marketer who creates, optimises, and distributes valuable content that engages audiences, builds relationships with potential customers, and helps a business stand out from the competition. They may create blog posts, videos, emails, infographics, or other forms of media for use on websites and social networks to reach new customers and inform existing ones about products and services.

Content marketers must be creative thinkers with sharp copywriting skills in order to craft compelling stories that entice readers. Furthermore, they must also possess strong analytics skills in order to accurately measure the success of their campaigns. Whether strategising for viral stories or crafting white papers about product features, content marketers are an invaluable asset for any modern digital marketing team.

12 habits of successful content marketers

1. Making the most of analytics tools to monitor content

Digital marketing moves quickly, and it can often be overwhelming for a content marketer to keep up with it all. Analytics tools are a great way to make sure your content is working as hard as it should be. By setting up tracking with analytics tools, you can monitor the performance of your content so that you always know what is being shared, liked, commented or clicked on. This gives content marketers valuable insights into the effectiveness of their content so they can adjust their strategies accordingly and make the most of their time and energy spent developing content.

2. Repurpose content across multiple online channels

Digital marketing has revolutionised the way content marketers approach their craft. Content repurposing is becoming increasingly popular as it lets content marketers seize opportunities to distribute their message across multiple online channels. Whether you have an infographic, blog post, podcast episode or video, there are numerous ways to repurpose content and reach a wider audience. On top of that, the best content marketer can find even more creative methods of getting their message out by leveraging different digital mediums such as social media, email campaigns and more. The possibilities and opportunities with repurposed content are virtually limitless – so be sure to take advantage of them!

3. Capitalise on existing industry trends

With trends constantly being born and often shifting, digital marketing and content are two of the most dynamic industries today. By developing a strategy to actively capitalise on these existing industry trends, companies can improve their visibility and relevance in the market. For example, understanding how the public is responding to changes in digital marketing and utilising a content marketer for help or consultation can make all the difference when it comes to leveraging preexisting trends. It’s important to keep up with industry changes so that you can take advantage of them and gain competitive edges over others in your field.

4. Read content marketing magazines

Reading material from content marketing magazines (both online and on paper) is an effective way to gain a better understanding of the latest trends and technology in this field. Articles written by industry professionals provide helpful advice about how to maximise your reach and stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, including specific strategies such as email campaigns and social media integration. If you’re serious about becoming a successful content marketer, staying informed with the help of content marketing magazines can make all the difference.

5. Form relationships with external stakeholders

Content marketers need to understand that forming relationships with external stakeholders such as influencers, bloggers and industry professionals is a key part of their job. Building mutually beneficial relationships with these people can help content marketers develop valuable insights into the market and collaborate on creating high-quality content that resonates well with target audiences. It’s important for content marketers to make the most of their connections by following up with influential people in the industry and seeking out opportunities to collaborate. Doing so can help content marketers stay ahead of the competition and gain recognition for their work.

6. Work closely with SEO and design teams

Digital marketing success depends on the effective cooperation and collaboration of SEO, design, and content teams. A content marketer needs to be a master of all three, working in tandem with other departments to create a unified approach to the digital marketing strategy. SEO teams play a primary role in digital marketing campaigns by researching keywords, setting metrics, and tracking performance data.

Design teams have to ensure that any digital marketing materials are optimized for the web while maintaining a visually appealing and engaging presence. Lastly, it is essential that content marketers work closely with both SEO and design teams to craft captivating digital content tailored specifically for digital marketing initiatives.

7. Use keyword research to generate topic ideas

Content marketing is a sub-discipline of digital marketing that can be used by content marketers to ensure that their business succeeds in the digital age. One powerful tool content marketers use when creating new content is keyword research, which allows them to find topics that people are searching for on the web.

By using keyword research, content marketers can generate topic ideas that are tailored to their target audience and help increase search engine rankings. This is particularly true if your product is in a narrow niche, such as Sauben’s smart toilet seats. By using keyword research, Sauben is able to identify what questions their target demographics are asking about smart toilets and bidets.

8. Listen to customer feedback

Developing an effective digital and content marketing plan takes both time and effort. But even the best plans require ongoing assessment based on customer feedback. It’s essential for content marketers to purposefully listen to their customer’s feedback in order to make appropriate adjustments to their strategies. Not only is customer feedback the key to optimizing campaigns, but it also helps foster a better relationship between sellers and buyers, leading to long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty.

9. Establish a consistent tone of voice

Establishing a consistent tone of voice is one of the most important tools in the content marketer’s arsenal. It prevents the customer from feeling like the message changes based on their platform and keeps them focused on their goal. A consistent tone of voice helps create trust between the customer and content marketer, further cementing their relationship and driving conversions. By taking this extra step, marketers can make sure that no matter what platform they’re engaging with customers through, all aspects of communication have the same feel and lend credibility to the content provided.

10. Align content activities to goals

As a content marketer, it is critical to align your content activities with the business’s overall goals – this could be anything from brand awareness to lead generation or even product promotion. Doing so ensures maximum return on your efforts, allowing you to demonstrate the true value of your work and position yourself more effectively as a reliable and results-driven initiator for the company.

Developing an effective plan for executing your team’s objectives and creating powerful content appeals is essential for any modern business or organisation.

11. Create unique graphics and videos to accompany the content

By creating unique graphics and videos to accompany each piece of content, marketers stand out in the sea of competition and effectively engage their audiences. Digital graphics such as infographics, or videos such as product tutorials, provide engaging visuals that are easier for readers to consume than plain text. Content marketers who incorporate creative graphics and videos into their strategies take advantage of multiple channels for reaching potential customers and forming relationships with them more easily. Doing this can be a cost-effective way to spread awareness of a brand or product to an otherwise unreachable audience, ultimately helping companies increase profits in the long run.

12. Bring in industry experts to provide insights

Digital marketing and content marketing are key components of a successful business strategy. Bringing in industry experts to provide insights on these topics can greatly benefit the current team. For example, a content marketer can potentially analyse existing digital campaigns, offer guidance on effective promotion strategies, and develop new content aligned with the brand’s message. This way, teams have access to up-to-date trends and knowledge, making for an informed and integrated approach to creating digital campaigns that reach customers.


In summary, incorporating the 12 habits of highly successful content marketers into your own marketing strategy can generate potential leads, improve ROI, and increase the visibility of your business. As digital marketing continues to evolve, it’s important to adopt new habits that align with industry trends and best practices. By following these twelve habits, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful content marketer.

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